Beyoncé next to get AMC concert movie announcement soon!!!
Taylor Swift‘s concert movie isn’t even out yet, but it sounds like movie theater honchos are already gearing up for another one with a big name … and that would be Beyoncé.
Deadline reports that Queen Bey is next in line for a documentary film that captures her “Renaissance” world tour — and that a joint announcement is likely to occur as early as Sunday alongside AMC … which is the movie theater house that’ll partner with her for this.

As for a release date … word is Dec. 1, and Deadline says they’re choosing that to capitalize on the post-Thanksgiving weekend dead week and to have 2023 go out with a bang. At this point, it’s unclear if this would only be a domestic release or an international one.
The outlet also says that the show(s) of hers that are going to be featured in the flick are likely to be her two Houston concerts last week … which were supposedly filmed.
We haven’t seen evidence of cameras set up at those shows, but there’ve been rumblings dating back to April that Bey would be doing something like this in her hometown.
Of course, this news comes on the heels of Taylor’s “Eras” movie expanding to a worldwide release after a massive amount of demand from ticket-buyers here in North America. AMC has said it’s already on pace to rake in at least $100 million during its opening weekend.
Considering how big of a fan base Beyoncé has … it’ll be interesting to see if they snap up as many tickets as the Swifties have so far. And in terms of AMC — truly a smart move.
People aren’t flocking to theaters for movies anymore like they used to … but they might come running for filmed concerts of their favorite artists. So far, that’s a winning formula.

Source: TMZ