Policybazaar has roped in comedic genius Kapil Sharma for a series of ad films marking his return as the brand ambassador. The actor-comedian, who collaborated with the brand in the past for the witty campaign Ullu-Thullu, is back with his signature style to educate customers about the benefits of comparing and buying insurance.
The entertainer’s iconic style makes him a natural choice for the campaign, which is in line with the brand’s larger mission of simplifying insurance and making it more relatable for the masses. More ads in the series are to be rolled out soon, says Policybazaar.
Samir Sethi, Head of Brand Marketing, Policybazaar, says, “Insurance, though crucial, can often feel like a maze. Considering the success of our past collaborations with Kapil Sharma, we are delighted to welcome him back. We believe that his unique ability to connect with the audience through humour will demystify the insurance-buying process and encourage our customers to make more informed choices. Policybazaar is committed to making insurance accessible and affordable for all, and this association is a significant step in that direction.”
Source : Afaqs